08 February 2009

Reading challenge

Our local library is having an adult reading challenge over a two month time period. The challenge is to read at least eight books, with prizes at four and eight books read. Both my wife and I have been reading more than usual as of late anyway, so we thought it would be fun to record our reading as part of the challenge.

I have a confession to make however. As I have been checking out books to read I have come across interesting titles from the teen section that I haven't read before. I just finished Lois Lowry's The Giver and enjoyed the book quite a bit. Since the ending left me wanting a further conclusion, I plan to read the other two books loosely associated with The Giver. There are some really good stories that I have not read, and even though they may be shorter and targeted at younger readers, I plan to fill up my reading list with them.

If you have any good book recommendations I am always curious to hear them. My to-read list is always growing, but I love adding good books to it.

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