03 March 2009


For some time now I have avoided keeping my wallet in the back pocket of my pants. This is probably due to all of the sitting that I end up doing throughout the day. I find it more comfortable and often more convenient to place it in a coat pocket or bag.

Regardless of whether the wallet is in my pocket or a bag I can always expect it to wear around the corners and eventually need to be replaced. I usually get a simple leather wallet, tending toward thinner wallets when possible.

I got to thinking of other possibilities, and Lifehacker pointed me in a new direction. I know that there are many different options out there. I wasn't looking for duct tape or vinyl but I did come across what I think is a great alternative.

Jimi wallets

A few points:

  • I think that this plastic case should be very durable. As long as I don't try to fall 8 feet onto any rocks it should last a long time

  • The limited size makes you reconsider what you carry with you

  • Very easy to throw into my front pocket, my coat, or whatever bag I happen to have with me

  • The transparency is a nice feature

  • One of the best feautres is the cost. At half the cost of most bottom line wallets I went ahead and got two wallets

If you are looking for a new wallet and are willing to try something different, I recommend a Jimi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Jimi love. We wish you well with your new Jimi wallets.

Best wishes

Mr. Smith